
5 Signs Your Windows Aren’t Properly Sealed

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Windows not only offers a glimpse into the world outside but also plays a crucial role in maintaining the comfort and efficiency of our homes. For residents in Atlanta, understanding the signs of window seal failure is essential to safeguard against higher energy bills and discomfort. This article will break down the telltale signs your windows aren’t sealed properly.

1. Foggy Windows – More than Just Condensation

Every house experiences varying humidity levels, leading to occasional window condensation. This is normal, especially when cooking or after a hot shower. However, it’s a red flag if you notice persistent fog between your window panes. This fog indicates a break in the window seal, allowing moisture to creep in between the panes. AAA Screen & Window advises that these foggy windows be replaced in order to maintain the comfort and energy-efficiency of your home.

2. Drafts Around the Windows – A Chilly Warning

Window drafts are uncomfortable and indicate window seal failure. Try the wet hand test to check if your window has a draft. Hold a wet hand close to the window pane. You shouldn’t feel cold air seeping through, even on the coldest Atlanta winter day. Another telltale sign? Ice or frost on the interior of your windows.

3. Inconsistent Indoor Temperatures

Do chilly indoor temperatures force you to bundle up, even with the heat on? If your home’s temperatures seem erratic despite a consistent thermostat setting, it might point to window seal failure. Energy-efficient windows can dramatically improve indoor comfort, making those chilly days a thing of the past.

4. Window Frame Wear – More than Just Cosmetic Concerns

Examine your window frames and caulking. Signs of mold, bubbling paint, chipping, and weather damage can be early indicators of window seal issues. Our AAA Screen & Window team carefully inspects the window and its surrounding frame when assessing windows. Often, achieving an optimal seal requires frame replacement, ensuring you get the best protection against external elements and potential pests.

5. Windows That Resist Operation – Safety First

Windows should open and close without a fuss. If you find yourself resorting to makeshift props or using excessive force, it’s a safety concern. This difficulty can be particularly hazardous for households with children or pets. At AAA Screen & Window, our efficient and user-friendly replacement windows ensure your home is safe and snug.

Contact AAA Screen & Window For Your Replacement Window Consultation

Your windows are more than just panes of glass, they’re barriers protecting you from the elements. Recognizing the signs of window seal failure early can save discomfort, money, and energy. For Atlanta residents concerned about their windows, AAA Screen & Window is ready to help you transition to a more comfortable, efficient home.

We offer complimentary window replacement consultations for homeowners in Atlanta, Georgia. Contact us today to get started.

FAQ About Window Seal Failure

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When a window seal fails, moisture can infiltrate the space between the window panes, leading to foggy windows. This compromises the window’s insulation properties, resulting in reduced energy efficiency and a potential increase in heating or cooling costs. Over time, it can also lead to mold growth and damage to the window frame.

It’s challenging to repair a failed window seal effectively. While there are some methods to remove the fog and condensation, they might not restore the window’s original thermal performance. In most cases, it’s more efficient and long-lasting to replace the window or the sealed glass unit.

Signs of a failed window seal include persistent fog or condensation between the glass panes, visible moisture or water droplets inside the window, and a drafty feeling near the window. Additionally, if the window appears dirty or cloudy and doesn’t clear up with cleaning, it could indicate seal failure.

The lifespan of window seals can vary based on the quality of the window, environmental factors, and maintenance. However, most seals on quality windows should last 10 to 20 years. Extreme weather conditions, direct sunlight exposure, or improper installation can shorten this lifespan.