
How Often Should I Replace My Window Screens?

How Often Should I Replace My Window Screens

Window screens are essential for maintaining a comfortable home. However, like all home components, they have a lifespan and will eventually need replacing. So, how often should you replace your window screens? Generally, window screens should be replaced every 10 to 15 years. This timeline can vary depending on several factors, including the quality of the screens, pets in the house, environmental conditions, and the level of wear and tear they endure. 

Signs It’s Time For Window Screen Replacement

Signs It's Time For Window Screen Replacement

Window screens play a silent, critical role in protecting our homes from bugs, dust, and excess sunlight. However, like anything else in your home, window screens wear out over time. AAA Screen & Window Co. is a leading installer of custom window screens in Atlanta, Georgia. In this article, we’d like to help you understand the average window screen lifespan, the overall importance a window screen plays on your home, and when it’s time to replace your window screens.